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Terhi-Liisa Autioniemi - My visit in Latvia

From 24th to 30th April 2023 I was visit the organisation, Bolderaja Diaconal Centre in Riga, Latvia. During these days I had opportunity to see and explore Diaconal Centre’s activities and services.
One of the most important benefits of an employee exchange is the depth of learning it provides. A traditional way of learning, such as sitting in a classroom or reading textbooks, can provide theoretical information, but it does not necessarily give a complete picture of what the work is. Through employee exchange and job shadowing, I had the opportunity to see the work of the diaconal centre in practice and learn directly from professionals. This helped me to establish connections between theories and practices, to gain a deeper understanding of the history of the diaconal centre and thus of the operating methods of the centre and its employees.  
Another advantage of employee exchange, in my opinion, is the networking opportunity it offers. interdiac has given me the opportunity to meet amazing people and make contacts with people in my field. These contacts are valuable for the future and can provide me with support and mentoring in professional development.