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What's going on between the first and second workshops?

The first period of Practice Learning in interdiac learning programme  MAKE CHANGE YOURSELVES! TURNING CHALLENGES TO YOUR ADVANTAGE! (MACY) has come to an end. In interdiac learning approach this is the time when the participants can apply theoretical knowledge and practical skills from the 1st Contact Teaching Workshop to their own practice with marginalised young people, share learning findings with the peers and reflect on it individually.

One of the key points for practice at this Programme is to build a group of marginalised young people, engage them in joint activity, develop trust and relations between the members of the group.This group will be also learning together with the professional worker so that the learning will be reciprocal and empowering for the both sides. To build a group was one of the major challenges for the participants over this period. In this process of group building additional tasks were carried out. They included reflections with young people on their biographies and imagining the future scenarios for humanity. During the whole period of practice, the group of the participants was meeting regularly on ‘Zoom’ platform. The meetings were steered by the Learning Supervisor, who is also helping the participants in personal learning progress. Moreover, during this period such on-line learning activities as ‘Future Lab,’ were run by interdiac Italian colleagues, on-line lecture on Community Development was suggested from interdiac Finnish colleague, anda  special activity of this project ‘Co-Learning Exchange’ was introduced. To conclude, it has been a fruitful and full learning time for the participants. All these learning and findings will be discussed in the 2nd Contact Teaching Workshop next week from November 7. - 11. 2022 in Torre Pelice in Italy.